One LINK to rule them all, One LINK to find them, One LINK bring them all and in the darkness bind them

Chainlink (ticker: LINK) an oracle protocol designed and built by offchain labs to bridge blockchain and the real world:

So this DD will be pretty big. I have spent a lot of time looking at blockchain and trying to figure out what role it has to play beyond a giant centralised casino. I am not a coder or developer however I’d like to think I have a grasp of the overall ecosystem enough to understand some potential applications.

I know a lot in the server don’t do crypto so I’m starting out with an outline of that and building towards my end thesis and where I believe LINK is going (to the moooon!).

A new world and a new paradigm or 3…:

So to start off blockchain is a cryptographically secured self updating ledger. AKA a computer accountant that is kept safe and secure by maths. The first blockchain was worked out on paper by Stuart Harber And W. Scott Stornetta who ere trying to find a way to have timestamped tamper proof documents. The first operating blockchain is actually 13 years older than bitcoin called surety created by the aforementioned researchers who then advertised it in the classified adds of the new York times. It basically is an incorruptible record of digital documents. Feel free to look more into this but I need to stop my self or I’ll drone on.

So there you have it Bitcoin is NOT the first blockchain and Satoshi Nakamoto is NOT its inventor. In fact Satoshi cites them in his paper 8 times here No one knows who Satoshi is and that’s not a real name anyway. In 2009 bitcoin blockchain started and the first fully decentralised blockchain was started.

This is Paradigm 1 and 2. 1 = surety incorruptible unalterable digital records

2 = bitcoin first de-centralised ledger with exchangeable currency

Fast foward 2013 and Vitalik Buterin (still working on eth reluctant leader but main founder), Charles Hoskinson (Was CEO of Ethereum did more money and legal framework stuff then tried to raid Ethereum’s foundation funds, left in a bitch fit when he wasn’t allowed some of that sweet dolla dolla funded Ethereum classic with 4 devs for a year out of spite before scamming Japanese investors with IOHK and Cardano which still doesn’t have FULL smart contracts a code no one wants to use and no dapps outside ones that are just bridged from eth yay top 3 how?) Gavin wood (creator of ethereum yellow paper, solidity coding language for smart contracts no. 1 amongst devs created of polkadot eth compatible scalable sharding masterpiece of tech and its kusama test net) , Anthony Di iorio (Money and marketing man left after non profit route was chosen, now works outside of crypto), Amir Chertrit (worked on coloured coins a pre smart contract thing on bitcoin network, helped vitalik coding, now works outside of crypto), Jeffrey Wilcke (coder made master coin first initial coin offering then jumped to eth, now works outside of crypto), Mihai Alisie (did the legal stuff and set up banking for the etherum foundation now does other stuff) , Joeseph Lubin (another money man has since left and made Consensys that launches blockchain companies also helped bring in etherum partners like JP morgan, CME group, Bancor Santander, Intel, Microsoft and others and Link is here too more on that later) Also weird fact they all decided live in a cabin and lock the world out to build Ethereum as fast as possible then all got cross with each other and split funny that.

So Paradigm 3 we now have a programmable blockchain with a ledger and transferable funds that can have sub ledgers (alt coins) built on top of it using its security and creating a standard ERC20 token that’s interchangeable among different programmes. Also ERC721 NFT’s those Cough useful cough not shit jpegs people are trading. On top of that Dapps (decentralised apps) can be created permissionless (don’t need to ask) by anybody all in one interoperable language and layer. ERC721 is simply a non-fungible (non standard each one is not a duplicate of another think painting vs a nickel where the nickel is ERC20) this will be useful for storing documents, national insurance numbers passports, deeds of ownership to land etc (LINK will be part of this but more on that later) but its just very nice pictures definitely worth thousands of dollars for now. Its since had 100s of thousands of devs devoting millions of hours building an incredibly complex ecosystem which if you think that big corpos are going to the github and ctrl C cntrl V the code lets see how Richard Hearts Hex works out because that’s what he’s trying to do. In fact JP morgans Onynx blockchain (Onyx by J.P.Morgan) which 40 other financial and non financial entities have signed up to use (oh yes Link here too its everywhere) is using as a settlement layer. Yes that’s right the best the corpos can muster is a side chain. Added to the fact that devs working on de-centralised projects can do so at a higher level of income (thanks to you degen gamblers pumpng coin prices) and autonomy means that the big boys don’t get the pick of a the labour pool like they are used to in other sectors.

So I don’t prescribe to the “blockchains the real gem they will just build their own” philosophy. Also projects value is deeply tied to their partnerships, interoperability and how ingrained they can be in a larger ecosystem islands don’t win here continents do. As a given example we recently had layer 1 mania with each pump starting with which project got the bridge first Sol didn’t pump until it got Wormhole (link to eth) same for AVAX and many others. Oh yeah bridges are janky and suck I use them but don’t worry yes you guessed it LINK has a solution.

A place in the world:

So whats it all good for other than tracking what magic internet coins we all have, gambling, playing shit blockchain games, tracking who owns this JPEG which they have no IP or royalty right to. Its all bollocks and magic fairy dust right back by tethers hidden billions and binances dodgey reserves, bitfinexs leveraged hot air tether exchange. Well yes right now. But what this actually is, is fully automated, trustless, cryptographically secure, programmable, adaptable base layer for a financial system in the making. Its not done yet, theres energy use concerns, scalability, speed, usability, regulation, tax liability concerns its still early and in its infancy. But my entire premise for any long term position in crypto is that it is an eventual replacement for the antiquated software system that the current financial system sits on. It’s capable of more and more adaptable look at defi its madness but its impressive. We have Ivy league universities, nobel prize winners, Microsoft, google, JP Morgan, Swift, Swisscom, T mobile and many more working on this technology there’s got to be something more than gambling on shit coins here.

The Thesis: A safe bet, There is only 1 LINK

Welcome to the Layer cake son:

So before I expand on this Blockchain is talked about in layers. Layer 1 is ethereum it’s the most secure but slow and expensive (eth 2.0 will introduce something called state sharding to ease this) things like Matic and Xdai (maker dao home of dai stable coin and the first Decentralised finance aka defi project) are side chains they run along side Ethereum settle things on their own chain then relay back to Ethereum to use its security. Next are layer 2’s called rollups they are Optimitic roll ups like Arbitrum (offchain labs aka links project I told you EVERYWHERE) which assume the transactions are correct then later check them with Ethereum base layer and ZK rollups which sign the transactions off before processing not read too much into this but there isn’t one working yet I don’t think. So they sit on top if etherum and run all their transaction through it rather than just checking in every now and then. They are also fully decentralised whereas side chains can have their own centralised validators which is a weak point. Vitalik and many others have stated this is not a winner takes all scenario and he envisages a world where many blockchains co exist and interconnect.

Chainlink protocol is the product of offchain labs. Their end goal is to make chainlink fully decentralised and autonomous (but how will they profit?!). Chainlink will be THE standard which future tech will be built upon and already is in many cases in blockchain offchain labs will continue to sell and advise on solutions built upon the network they created. That’s right they will build the world then show people how to live in it as a rough analogy

The other Major layer is the oracle layer and this is a whole other ball game or should I say squid game as only one winner will survive and I see no other alternative to Chainlink winning this. Oracles verify data from anywhere it can be weather reports, price feeds, population changes anything that people care to submit the oracles job is to verify the data and feed it to the correct source chainlink also attaches an economic value to this data and creates a trustless market place for data streams. But that’s not all it does. Oh yeah its also block chain agnostic so you don’t need to care which chain wins are takes more market share it doesn’t matter it’s THE oracle network for all chains and its competition won’t ever catch up.

So chainlink is not yet fully de-centralised but it get less and less centralised as time goes on. This is important as centralisation gives a weak point of attack and prevents it being fully trustless. All networks in blockchain are ran by either “miners” solving cryptographic puzzles to be the block validator the work done on the puzzles provides the security. The other route which chainlink is taking (as well as ethereum 2.0 and many others) is proof of stake this is where the validators commit economic value which risks getting slashed aka taken off them as punishment for providing false data. Heres some chainlink validators.

And the users

Roll the dice with chainlink VRF verifyable randomness:

This is used way more than you think the off chain version is tamper proof vs on chain options hence its wide use.

Heres some use cases

Proof of reserves look in the vault:

Wonder how they keep track of the various reserves and make sure whats they say is there is indeed there well here it is.

Here the users:

Keeper of truth: offchain computations with chainlink Keepers

So one of the biggest issues with crypto and blockchain tech is scalability and computational power required to do it on chain. So what if you could do the grunt work off chain then verification only on chain. Great idea so yea chainlink did it with keepers.

some users

No troll toll Bridge:

The next product the Chainlink network has is CCIP or the cross chain interoperability protocol you can read more on chainlinks website but it basically means those slow wierdy bridges that all work differently like binance matic wormhole etc can all be standardised and be faster better etc. So if you want to take some Dai form ethereum over to Solana it would be an identical process as eth to ADA or ADA to BNB etc. This is still in development you’ll know when its done because all the other bridges will be replaced with it.

Enterprise solutions:

Other stuff:

· Mixicles for large companies that want data on chain but still auditable I could write a ton about this alone but heres some info

· Town crier, don’t the fudders trick you it is being used but unibright (ticker: UBT) base ledger a system to allow JP morgans ONYX network to use ethereum as a settlement layer to other institutional blockchains while obscuring commercially sensitive data while still allowing smart contracts to execute fucking jaw dropping shit as always from chainlink.

· DECO basically the same as above however rather than going through centralised white listed node operators this will go through the decentralised chainlink network increased security at the cost of decreased speed of exection to verify data or documents.

Fair sequencing services: The primary use case here to combat something called MEV thats miner extractable value. As ethereum scales it suffers higher transaction costs and longer mining times (computing the transaction) this leaves the transactions stuck in something called a mempool like a trainstation for transactions waiting to be delivered. BOT and algos programmed by savvy traders are able to look inside the mempool and do something called a sandwich attack. When you trade on a dex (decentralised exchange) you allow for slippage on the trade (the difference between the price shown and potential price paid) its necessary to execute the as the price will never be completely static. What they do is purchase before your buy and sell after to a degree that maximises the slippage tolerance and stealing your money, This is worth around $1.4 billion annual and its growing rapidly. The first system originally proposed by flashboys 2.0 paper (which ari Jules co wrote0 and its another Cornell paper. Its also concerning that this could be the very tip of the iceberg as most trading occurs on CEX’s (centralised exchanges) where the host could much more easily front run trades. The problem with MEV is the centralisation of control given to the minutes which allows them to execute these sandwich attacks by choosing the order the transactions are executed. Without this MEV goes away. To solve this problem you need to both resolve the high gas costs and the transaction sequencing. Yes LINK has solved this. FSS or fair sequencing services (used by layer 2 arbitrum FYI) achieves this with no alteration to the layer 1 it operates on again blockchain agnostic. This is done by sending the orders to an oracle network to fairly sequence them and sending them in order to be processed by the miner or node. This is opposed to the other proposed solutions which use MEV auctions essentially saying to the miners you can take MEV but cheapet wins chainlink says you will have no MEV and you will be happy.

(Fair Sequencing Services: Enabling a Provably Fair DeFi Ecosystem)

Follow the breadcrumbs:

Ok so this is where we start tip toeing into cult like madness however A LOT of these breadcrumbs have already been confirmed. So lets start with those shall we.

Microsoft (confirmed): So Microsoft there were breadcrumbs saying chainlink acquired Kaleido which was going to make oracle services for business cloud. Coindesk then made an article saying Koleido was working on Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS. The initiative for crypto currencies and contracts also listed the following donors chainlink and Microsoft among others around this time. Sergey Nazarov the founder of offchain labs was also photographed with Yorke Rhodes co-founder of blockchain at Microsoft. It’s since been confirmed since we had smart con 2.0 (chainlink conference) where Microsoft spoke there.

Deutsche Telecom/T-Systems (confirmed) 101billion eur in revenue in 2020: In February 2nd 2021 they were one of the main data providers to chainlink this did not mean partnership as that is something they can make money on however in July it was confirmed they are a node operator which currently requires a partnership with offchain labs.

Swisscom 11.1 billion CHF revenue 2020: Cointelegraph have published an article confirming they are a node operator they also spoke at smart con 2.0 there was prior speculation with their hold on telecom and broadband in Switzerland.

Swift transacts $1.25 quadrillion/year: Swift started proof of concept in jan 2019 with r3 for gpi payments to DLT and blockchain based platforms gpi is used to transact 300 billion per day. They called this gpi LINK not subtle I know. To work it was confirmed it needed to be put through an oracle and chainlink also stated they were making a purpose built oracle for a system to transfer billions of dollars across 11,000 banks. Anyway swift were at smart con 2.0 and heres the director shaking Sergey Nazarovs hand he isn’t bending the knee and kissing his feet but he will learn the correct greeting with time (what I said I joined the cult don’t look at me like that).

Docusign (confirmed but dormant): Docusign made a statement saying they were looking to integrate smart contracts through chainlink and also gave chainlink $5.5 million however de to the cost prohibitive nature of transactions on blockchain currently this has not yet progressed further. But stress not chainlink has a solution as always.

Google (confirmed): nice and simple here’s google bending the knee eerm I mean working with chainlink

World Economic forum (confirmed): Professor You will eat ze bugs Klaus schwab wrote a book called the forth industrial revolution talking about blockchain is a new paradigm also giving reference to swift, and Cornell (chainlink has strong ties here I know EVERYWHERE) smart is chainlink. I mean they even use LINK’s infographics come on.

Oracle (confirmed): Its been in the news and Ian Keane head of solution engineering for UK and Ireland at oracle slapped chainlink all over his linked in back in may 2020

Mastercard (confirmed): A risk intelligence company called Ciphertrace started up a link node then shortly after mastercard bought them.

Intel (confirmed):

American News agency Associated press (confirmed): Now running a node “help bring economic, sports and race call data onto blockchains, the decentralized computer networks for recording information in an unalterable way.” American News Agency Associated Press Is Partnering With Chainlink ($LINK) | Cryptoglobe

SXSW conference (coinfrimed): “At the 2022 SXSW Conference, we will focus on building a future that is equitable and sustainable across society, culture, technology, and policy,”

Ernst & Young (confirmed): Sposer of the chainlink Hackathon event

Facebook: Evan Cheng facebooks director of engineering joined chainlink as a technical advisor 08/09/2017 as well as running facebooks blockchain department AKA libra chain.

That’s mixicles we looked at earlier being used on libra I mean come on.

China: They have something called the Blockchain services network and its integrated chainlink oracles.

Amazon: Kaleido is building on AWS to make smart contracts easy to set up through AWS and they are using chainlink to do it it is assumed AWS are partnered in some way as they will benefit from the increased capabilities of AWS.

Nasdaq: 02/06/2020 ( I’m a brit so day/month/year) interwork alliance IWA launched to try and make a standard for token enabled systems aka creating THE standard (Like LINK) and be able to BRIDGE (CCIP anyone?) anywhere and BLOCKCHAIN AGNOSTIC (like LINK) members include Nasdaq and chainlink.

Sataoshi Nakamoto: there a theory Sergey is Satoshi feel free to dig into this buts its something that will never be confirmed

JP Morgan and Onyx: so Ari Jules chief science officer of offchain labs and creator of zero knowledge proofs formally of Cornell University co wrote a paper on sybil resistance with Christine Moy the head of Onyx blockchain, they’re also quite good friends in real life. JP morgan also spoke at smart con 1 so yeah. Onyx is also this from their website

Yeah I know boss just add an extra I they will never know its really just all chainlink.

The Citibank report: Link will eclipse bitcoin

LINK to $81,000.00:

Chainlink: Positive & Bullish Thoughts - Album on Imgur A link to many good quality posts over the years.

Chainlink and layer 1:

Growth potential:

This has been taken from a 4chan post with other information from other sources: Sales force bought Mulesoft for $6.5 billion in 2019 and visa payed $5.3 billion for plaid (API Economy: Is It The Next Big Thing?) companys that makes APIs externally available: This at the time (a still may be) the most expensive Acquisition the salesforce ever made. This is a bet of confidence in the importance of the new rise in the API economy in relation to the also rapid growing smart contract economy. API’s will be a whole new revenue stream for fintechs and financial services. The API economy is already very large valued at $2.2 trillion in 2018. There are 24,000 API’s in existence today. In 2016 netflix alone received 5 BILLION API requests Per day!

An API request is a job that and oracle would do. If chainlink could capture 3% of this market place of $2.2 trillion it would lead to a market cap $66 billion. We know that the CEO of offchain labs Sergey Nazarov is reported to have 19,000 interested parties wanting to establish chainlink nodes. That was stated back in 2019 its probably grown so that’s 50% of the market already give or take.

So what does this look like in terms of revenue for a node operator why is chainlink such a premium choice. Well apart from being the best technological platform with 0 exploits (people claim there’s been 2 that is wrong which we will cover later) it is also the largest well known liquid on chain API market. Ok lets imagine that the on chain API economy reaches the same scale as the regular API economy now. If we look at the average “hobbyist” running a non blockchain node on as the equivalent of someone running a LINK node from home that 688,991 calls per month or 8,267,892 per year. At $0.01 per API call or Job which is the minimum Oraclize charge that’s $82,678.92 per year. IBM Watson charges $0.0025 per call which would be $20,669.73 per year. Docusign says their API “you may not exceed 1000 API requests per account per hour. So that’s 24,000 a day and at 1 cent a job is $87,600.00 per year per node operator. For all the node operators that were stated had interest (in 2019) in setting up a chainlink node that’s 19,000 serving 1,000 API request per hour that’s $1,664,400,000 revenue per year. That’s only 0.08% of the estimated $2.2 trillion API economy.

Transacting bonds:

So there’s already bonds being issued on the blockchain network from legacy finance systems the world bank being one of them raising $110 million in 2018 (Briefing: Bonds on the blockchain | Features | IPE) . the world bond market today sits at $128.3 trillion. If LINK were to capture 1% of this value ($1,283,000,000,000) that would equate to a per coin value of $1,283.00/coin. We know that as Link is a proof if stake system that uses economic penalties through slashing the stake of the node operators to keep them honest the value of the collateral must exceed the value of the asset. We also know that asset transaction is not LINKs only potential market place (see API calls) and this is only a small section of a bond market already open to the use of blockchain. This also links to chainlinks potential role in CBDC’s and ISO2022 which if realised will make them the platform of choice for securing these assets.

SIBOS (Swift International Banking operations seminar) Surprise Guest 2021 Sergey Nazarov Chainlink CEO

Partners include but not limited to (all listening to offchain labs CEO Sergey Nazarov): Swift obviously, Amazon AWS (connected previously), Bank of America, Barclays, Citibank (remember that report), Deutsche bank, financial times, google (connected previously), HSBC, ING, JP Morgan (connected previously), KPMG, Lloyds bank, Microsoft (connected previously), Mastercard (connected previously), Oracle (connected previously), R3 (connected previously), VISA, Wells Fargo. I cherry picked here but heres the full list


Why is SIBOS relevant? They are discussing the future standard and the next generation of transferring money globally as well as the role of Central bank digital currencies something that chainlink can underpin (and as a result generate incredibly high and sustainable revenue.)Chainlink and the current ISO 20022 banking standard:

ISO 20022 is an XML-based industry standard for financial messaging. It has been around for a long time and the financial industry is not likely to be flexible at adapting this. If blockchain is to be integrated into the financial system it needs to be able to plug into legacy finance and not the other way around. Chainlink is the primary candidate for this with connection with the banking sector we have previously established.

The standard is made up of varying customer to bank and bank to bank messages. For example one message is sent from a customer (think big company) to their bank to instruct a payment form their account. Large customers use different systems that automate their banking but they all use the ISO 20022 standard.

So ISO 20022 has nothing to do with block chain but any third party that wants to interface with banks need to use that standard. As an example if a blockchain app wanted to connect to banks using their rights under PSD2 they would need to use the ISO 20022 message format.

What is PSD2: In 2019 PSD2 states that every European financial institution must provide API support for payment initiation to facilitate all the new incoming fintechs. EU Banks will be required to build application programming interfaces (APIs) — sets of code that give third parties secure access to their back-end data.

Those APIs serve as channels for developers to get to the data and build their own products and services around it. Such information could serve as a tool to understand things such as customers’ spending habits or credit history, and could lead to the creation of new services.

I will Quote Reddit U/fergly for this

“The banking landscape in Europe will change radically in a short period as Europeans begin to take advantage of the latest technology offered by Fintechs to meet their banking needs in today’s world. Blockchain technology has come along at precisely the right time, and DLT has become almost as big of a buzz-word as Fintech itself. Also, in extraordinarily good timing comes ChainLink, a service that bridges the gap between Fintechs using DLT and Financial Institution APIs.

Behind the shiny new APIs lies the prize that SmartContract have evidently positioned themselves on - legacy payment systems that will accept nothing but the payment formats they were originally designed for. This format is likely to be the new (actually >15 years old) ISO 20022 XML format. Any Fintechs wishing to make use of the new APIs can bet for sure that the Banks will not be converting formats on their behalf and instead will need to submit instructions in ISO 20022 format. Through their PoC with SWIFT, ChainLink has proven themselves as being capable of not just bridging the gap, but supporting the very formats that will run the post-PSD2 banking world.

There is a lot of speculation since the PoC about a partnership with SWIFT. For me, SWIFT has already given ChainLink something very valuable; a platform on the closed stage of the Financial Services Industry. SWIFT is seen in the sector as the keeper and enforcer of best practice for financial messaging standards so when Fintechs and Banks decide which Oracle services to use, ChainLink stands poised as a service made credible by SWIFT.

It’s important to note that after the introduction of PSD2 APIs, Banks and Fintechs will not require SWIFT’s telecommunications to communicate and therefore can work directly with ChainLink to connect to on-chain/off-chain data.

Often people suggest firms will just build their own oracles, but the reality is Banks will not be providing this service as, unsurprisingly, they aren’t going to make the job any easier for 3rd party Fintechs. Meanwhile, Fintechs are often brand new companies who are not going to be spending their start-up funds re-writing Microsoft Outlook just because they can - they will simply engage with the industry standard oracle; ChainLink.

As you can tell, I am bullish about ChainLink. Often in crypto, the old saying about how the guy selling shovels in a gold rush is the one to get rich. Well, I believe PSD2 is another gold rush and ChainLink is the first in the door selling the shovels, the diggers, and the whole wash plant.”

(credit to 4chan Anon) The path to sustainable non-investor driven revenue: Within the next few years with the current growth of LINK node operators and other various use cases of the network the amount of LINK paid paid to the chainlink nodes will correlate directly with the amount of LINK being purchased by protocols to pay these nodes this will equate to tens of millions of $ worth of LINK which will need to be purchased exclusively from the open market possibly billions, monthly in buys straight from market.

Bitcoin and ethereum’s rapid growth were both hindered by their means of generating revenue over and above the value granted by speculators. In order to fund the costs they were forced to sell token emissions (new minted or mined tokens) into the market in order to cover operating costs.

Chainlink differs in this regard as the nodes have low operating costs (its not a blockchain but a protocol of various capabilities) and receive payment in the native LINK token from any users of the network, which are automated protocols across any blockchain. Ultimately the chainlink will have to come from the market bought by automated protocols to then pay the nodes (you see how speculators and pumpers are irrelevant to the token price growth in the long term it will grow because it is essential to crypto and blockchain and huge swathes of the space would break immediately if you could “turn off” chainlink).

What does this mean? Sell pressure from the nodes cannot exceed node revenue. Node revenue ultimately cannot be below client buying pressure. Profit margins are high; the cost of the resources expended to operate a chainlink node or uniquely low against the value of the service, which is high.

These mechanisms for price appreciation are further compounded by staking, which introduces scarcity.

This is a different model from any other crypto previously, and its high volume, because of the multiple uniquely high value use cases chainlink serves (and other JUST price feed oracles DO NOT). chainlink provides services to a growing number of value securing DeFi protocols that need to make as few trust assumptions as possible. A chainlink node attempting to violate trust will likely damage their reputation (low rep means low traffic which mean decreased revenue and profit), lose their stake, and gain nothing. NOde operators who understand this will treat LINK as the ultimate asset.

Again node sell pressure can only as much equalclient buy pressure which will continue at any price.

As time increases LINK can be projected to go up forever. For real.

Competition or the lack of it:

Makerdao native oracle (now uses chainlink): In 2020 the Maker dao suffered a catastrophic failure when the $4.5 million of dai was left unbacked when ethereum fell 43%.

  1. Ethereum Network Overwhelmed, Gas Prices Increased - On 12 March, the Ethereum network was overwhelmed by demand as the price rapidly plummeted. The transaction queue grew as network capacity was reached, and gas prices shot up by an order of magnitude.
  2. Price Oracles Failed - Due to uncharacteristically high gas prices, price oracles including the Maker ‘Medianizer’ failed to update their feeds.
  3. CDP Liquidations Lagged, Then Were Triggered En Masse - When the Medianizer feed was updated, the reported price instantly decreased by over 20%, causing many CDPs to be liquidated immediately.
  4. ETH Was Sold For Free Through Maker - Again due to high gas fees and network congestion, when the ETH collateral in these CDPs was auctioned off, many bids did not get through. This allowed some liquidators to win these auctions with bids of zero DAI by paying high gas fees, extracting over $8 million worth of ETH essentially for free.
  5. CDP Owners Left With Millions In Losses - This exploit means that over $4.5 million of DAI in the MakerDAO system is now unbacked. In addition, users whose CDPs were liquidated (and whose ETH was sold to the zero-bid liquidator) lost 100% of their collateral, resulting in millions of dollars of losses for the DeFi community.

Link did not fail on this day or any day.

API3 credit to 4chan anon Bt8ivyhP:

For a start one of the whitepaper authors was writing laymens level questions on the ethereum forum as late as 2017 while Sergey Nazarov had 4 years of experience building oracles at that point.

Its not decentralised 80% of the tokens were owned by the team on launch vs chainlink which was 35% sale, 35% for node operators and 30% for continued funding. So basically no decentralisation for API3 whereas link was 70% distributed.

What it offers is a nothing burger. Assuming it finished, which it isn’t, it’s just a price feed oracle, something chainlink already does better and is merely ONE aspect of the protocol. So they need to take customer away from a more established already fully functional product that also has other offerings. Their selling point is “first part oracles” and its serverless. They use these buzzwords to trick people into thinking it offers something LINK doesn’t. Multiple data provider listed above already run their own nodes aka “first party oracles” whatever that means. So it intends to offer one subsection of chianlinks protocol wow…

So they need to convince people to run an airnode over a LINK node whats the reason they give a link node is hard to use. So the lie they throw around of them being the best LINK node is garbage they ran failed node which went down and failed over and over due to their inability to run it. They botched 2 crowdsales CLCG and API3. Their chainlink marketplace was also outclassed by LINKpool (ticker LPL).

So now lets assume that airnode (api3 node product) is not vapourware: it still needs to interact with ethereum blockchain. IN the first weeks the API3 team claimed their airnode was super easy to deploy and they suggested ethereum as a service was enough. Then infura got rekd and suddenly they did a 180 claiming the airnode would support multiple redundant ethereum as a service providers, but it was best to run an ethereum node along side it. 2 things here a 180 is easy if your product is vapourware. there s nothing that exists to check against so its easy to change vision and direction on what you hypothetical solution could offer. Second if you can convince your data provider to run an eth node they will be able to run a link node, hence the API3 offering is obsolete.

Now lets look at the teams. Chainlink has over 200 employees including Ari Jules, Benedict Chan as well as steve and Johann with years of experience in the blockchain space. API3 has a tiny team of lateral who are yous with a track record of running a botched LINK node and 2 crap token crowd sales.

Marketing quality vs hype train. Chainlink has Adelyn who are professional marketers and they get featured by the world economic forum, Google, forbes, SIBOS the list goes on. Vs API3 who paid a hefty sum to VC groups like Chris Burniske and other NoLinkers that need the chainlink killer narrative to profit off oracles because they missed the LINK ICO. Paid influencers with the TO THE MOON!!! Narrative with no substance and actual evidence for use case and sustainable revenue. Because the mechanics behind API3 make 0 sense from a price perspective.

Tokenomics. We know LINK tokenomics are amazing lets take a look at API3. For a start with the rate they are dumping its causing a huge supply inflation with that 80% share of the tokens. Also another 10% was bought by VC at $0.30 due to the “meesa malfunction” so thats 90% of supply ready to dump on you. So to combat inflation you cant hold but instead place your tokens into one of the DAO price feeds. So if youre running a node and someone (IDK say the API3 team with 80% of the tokens) can come in stake on your node more than you can stake and control it so yeah you don’t even control your own node and data sources you use. Also say you staked your tokens with coinmarketcap on an API3 node and something goes wrong YOU lose your tokens theres no incentive for coinmarketcap to be truthful as you provide and risk the economic stake. So heres your choice: hold and suffer 27% inflation or stake on a node and risk getting slashed.

In summary it just looks like a cash grab.



Sexy readup. Will probably grab some later today.

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New breadcrumb new trillion 117 dollar marketplace
Uniswap Uses its own blockchain native oracles here’s an example of why that’s a bad idea.
Uniswap does not like chainlink because uniswap makes all its money from MEV attacks and chainlink is stopping that with FSS and arbitrum layer 2. Its millions of dollars of revenue they steal of people trading on their platform and LINK is a threat to it.It’s reporting $1 stable coins at $3.73



CCIP is up RIP any other bridges

Can we all welcome Goldman sachs


More confirmation that Chain Link will be the standard for transacting value on a global scale

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Quality 4chan post
Actual Chainlink Alpha Anonymous (ID: Ocw/9JBP) 11/25/21(Thu)01:45:43 No.[43731447](javascript:quote(‘43731447’):wink::arrow_forward:

>>43731514 >>43731562 >>43731658 >>43732823 >>43733126 >>43733179 >>43733856 >>43734258 >>43735740 >>43735896 >>43736146 >>43737038 >>43737308 >>43739866 >>43740132

The endless torrent of paid fud is getting annoying and there are no good link threads anymore so here’s some uncut hopium:
Sergey’s latest tweet confirms that a revenue source for nodes is offchain compute (arbitrum). Arbitrum currently is throttled with ~$3 simple contract interactions and ~$10 for more complex stuff. Unthrottled with the current arbitrum gas prints this drops by over 20x and costs decrease as batches get larger (to a point).
This is important with CCIP launching. Long term, the L1 battle is a race to the bottom and chainlink knows this. CCIP makes L1s liquid with each other and allows a lot of what is on L1 ETH to be transferred off to arbitrum. A few examples:
If you’re a crv user you can not only receive your crv on arbitrum, but you can (via CCIP) restake it for vecrv without ever touching L1. The amount of money this saves in L1 gas costs is profound, especially for these defi protocols. So much so that any networks not doing this will lose liquidity as their users don’t want to pay hundreds for contract interactions.
>>43731447 (OP)
This also opens up huge doors for protocols like crv/aave. A key design principle for arbitrum is that transactions sizes in terms of gas are uncapped. This opens the door to an even more advanced level of defi offerings: imagine if you had 50k in BTC or USDC and you wanted to LP across 5 chains with exposure to 25% BTC, 30% ETH, 40% Link and 5% USDC. That doesn’t exist right now, but you could easily do that with a CCIP/arbitrum enabled frontend which would autobalance your participation in various pools to achieve this. For retail this is appealing, for professional money managers this is the holy grail.
It gets even better if you look at what eds team did with their next iteration of arbitrum: previously they were focusing on other iterative improvements over what is out now that would basically result in larger more efficient batches but they’ve pivoted to a fully integrated L1/L2 stack with an embedded eth client which gives even more significant scaling improvement that is easier to achieve. This also finally makes chainlink truly chain agnostic in that if L1 eth decides to do something truly malicious to protect MEV or imposed vitalik’s social views on users the nodes validating for arbitrum become a de facto fork.
For enterprise volumes the inputs and outputs (oracle layer) dictates the contract executions flow. It’s hard to overstate how dangeous this is to ETH’s value proposition long term. Not only could Chainlink just decide not to update to whatever ETH decides to do but also the nodes could simply give away L2 executions (while maintaining their CCIP/VRF/Data/API/DECO revenue streams), putting insane pressure on other L1/L2 only projects to cut costs as much as possible for end users. Remember the big misconception for ETH 2.0 is that it will increase L1 throughput; it won’t. It’s being done only for the environmentalism angle as POW is now viewed in woke circles as bad. The really scary part of this for ETH is that they want higher L1 volumes after this, but if arbitrum nitro is live by then there is no reason for anything other than L1 Eth2.0 and as many purpose built nitro rollups as are needed to get to over 100k tps including as complex of contract interactions as are needed for the most advanced smart contracts.
Note the change in tone with respect to staking in the middle of all of this: it used to be “we’ll make link nodes stake link in order to secure high value contracts”
Now it’s “we have supralinear staking to allow for any value contract to be secured and staking of the link token allows you access to the revenue streams of all of our space critical functions”
This may seem like nothing, but this is basically a wink and a nod to traditional startup methodology where early companies use their runways to dominate a space before monetizing it. That’s what chainlink is doing now. What you usually see with these kinds of projects is what you saw with amazon or tesla: a few years of subsidized production and smarter big money investors realizing that the space can be made into a cash cow whenever the team flips the switch.
AAVE and CCIP are currently top priority
Arbitrum nitro likely 6 months down the line as network usage for current arbitrum is not saturated and bandwidth can be increased simply by loosing the throttle
The team has likely had technology ready for a while now. The ADD autistic hive mind here has missed the forest for the trees: the link team does the same thing for every feature/iteration that they release.

  • Develop the theory through peer reviewed research on the backs of nearly free academic postdoc labor
  • Code the implementation and run on testnet
  • Get as many external audits as are available and spend whatever it takes to get them
  • Don’t launch anything until every audit finding has been addressed
  • Launch with a limited number of launch partners who know and trust the team to ensure no initial failures
  • Slowly open up features to the wider public as the feature develops a long track record

Only the data feeds portion of the network has gone through all of this. Every other feature is still being rolled out.
If you look at link’s past performance the average annual price has 3-5x’d every year like clockwork.
If that sounds good to you, buy link.

Based anon. Us real linkchads are still around. The future will be glorious.

We spent 4 years picking apart at every detail about link.
Link was chosen by a congregation of the largest gathering of autistic nerd wizards with possible good acting insiders.
Besides BTC link is the most important and profound crypto in the entire genre.

Link price has not oerformed well this year yet its still constantly talked about and fudded nonstop. Nobody even bothers to talk shit or fud actual shitcoins because everyone knows its shit and doesnt need to waste any energy attacking it.

What’s funny is my girlfriend owns more link then all these spammer shills

In the future the linkers who capitulated will seethe for the rest of their lives.
They will feel so foolish just like the Apple co founder who sold his stake for 600$ which now would be worth billions

chainlink are basically working with all of layer two

This is the crypto I bought on the dip so I appreciate all this info!

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Making digital currencies interoperable through universal payment channels | Visa Navigate fast forward to 1:37 CCIP for Visa lmao

Hope this is a helpful/bullish article.

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It is but chainlink gets multiple Integrations per week bear in mind.

This is the one holding from last year that’s still green in my portfolio

I havnt sold only bought more this will play out over years if im correct.

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