The Ni's Trading Journal

Closed these out for $0.98 on Fri - 0.02 loss per contract.

Continuing the calendar plays, opened this NVDA call one no the eve of earnings, just at the end of the expected move: Calendar Call Spread | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator for $4.25image

Got these as hedges, 2 weeks out for 1.15, in case NVDA doesn’t moon: Bear Put Spread | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator

Closed these out for 11.57 (2.7x). Looks like NVDA is pulling away, and calendars lose value if price moves too far from the strike too, so decided to pull the trigger.imageimage

Closed these HIMS put calendar spreads out for 0.17 (3.4x) - looks like HIMS went flaccid after all.

And closed these call calendar spreads out for the same 0.05 I opened them for, so a scratch. I don’t expect HIMS to perform any better over the next 2 weeks, given price action.

Got these 1DTE 5C/6C call spreads: Bull Call Spread | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator
Unfortunately I had the 5.5C/6C order open when price dropped, and then doubled down by opening the 5C and closing the 5.5Cs, so net price is around 0.09 per.

Got these AMC put calendar spreads for 0.04 ea: Calendar Put Spread | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator
In case current meme rally runs out of steam by then.image

I probably should have waited till the right shoulder formed properly, these 3Ps got filled for 0.11 ea today… Long Put | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator
VFS is a shit auto company out of Vietnam and fair value is approximately 0. But has run a bit thanks to :memes:image

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Seemed to be low float, high SI, some chatter on fintwit, and got notice that it won’t be delisted. Got a bunch for 3.50 fills sometime during the day.image

These FFIE 0.5P calendar spreads got filled by 0.03 right out of the gates today, except then it proceeded to take a massive dump. For understandable reasons - I should have cancelled the order in the morning, but didn’t notice where price was going. Curious to see how this plays out now that it’s ITM and going deeper.

Sold half of SMFL for $7.60 (+117%).

Got out of the other half for $3.70 ea - basically a scratch. The play seems to be over.

Got these 4P AMC put calendar spreads for 0.05 ea: Calendar Put Spread | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator

I seem to have forgotten that I had a buy order up for these at 0.04, which got filled a little while ago. I now own twice as many VFS 3Ps as before, at cost basis of 0.075 :stuck_out_tongue:

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