The Ni's Trading Journal

Got HIMS put and call calendar spreads, taking advantage of the high9.5 IV.

9.5 calendar put spreads for 0.03:

13.5 calendar call spreads for 0.05:

The ideal situation is when the nearer dated strikes expire with price close to them, but not with them ITM. Which leaves enough extrinsic on the farther dated ones to sell and profit from.

Sold 5/17 AMC 3Cs for 0.50 ea. Earnings today after hours. Here’s to not getting blown up!

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Closed these 3Cs out for $0.24 - locked in 52% profit.

Closed all positions out for $0.42 - 50% profit locked in.

Took this 10-wide inverse IC because options are quite cheap today, and I’d like to think we close ~10 points away from 5225, which is what this is centered on. Price: $5.55.

Closed these out for 5.75 (+4%) as market moved quite a bit, and I could move center without losing money.

Opened these IIC for $2.50 ea: Inverse Iron Condor | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator

I don’t HYMC much, but difficultly to see the dilution news as anything but bearish.
So got 6/21 4Ps for 1.00 ea.

Got these AMC calendars for $0.03: Calendar Call Spread | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator

It is very likely that prices don’t go up to the levels for the multiples of profits. But given that this holds value nicely around the $3 level for a week or more, feels like a nice risk/reward setup for "just in case"image

And now got these put calendars for $0.05 ea: Calendar Put Spread | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator

Works out if price falls to $2-$3 by Jun 7, and anything below $2.5 between Jun 7 and Jun 21. Max loss is the 0.05.

And now got these put calendars for $0.05 ea: Calendar Put Spread | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator

Works out if price falls to $2-$3 by Jun 7, and anything below $2.5 between Jun 7 and Jun 21. Max loss is the 0.05 per.image

Doubled this HYMC put position for 0.95. It’s trying to look spirited with the AMC rally.

Sold half of these HIMS calls for $0.20 - 300% return.

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Closed the other half for 0.50 (+900%).

Closed these 0.03 calendars out for 0.20 (+566%). AMC is falling quite a bit and might not hold these levels into next week… so decided to close out.

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Got more AMC - 5/17 6C/6.5C for 0.06 ea: Bull Call Spread | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator

We didn’t tank completely, even with the 20M+ shares of issuance in the morning. Maybe we end up 5% higher on Friday.image

Missed to add the P/L frontier.image

Took these trades on ZIM yesterday - forgot to update:

Added these GME Iron Flies for $0.96 credit. Max I can lose is $0.04, unless some overnight assignment shenanigans happens. Counting on a 30 pin tomorrow.

Got these HIMS call calendar spreads because it’s erecting today for some anti-obesity reason: Calendar Call Spread | OptionStrat Options Profit Calculator . Max loss is the 0.05 I paid for each contract. I have two weeks for HIMS to erect some more into the 22-25 zone.image

Got these HIMS put calendar spreads for 0.05 ea in case it can’t perform under pressure, and goes flaccid.

Half position size as the call calendars, and intended to be a hedge against non-performance.image

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