What Are You Watching?

SPY, taking a strangle here…

2 critical reports tomorrow preMarket…

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Keeping an eye out for THCA redemption numbers. They’re unlikely to be significant since it’s been frontloaded and has traded above nav of $10.33. The extension meeting was today.


Exited this at profit.
Took 14 new ones and might hold until next Monday–same strike pairing, same opex.

With the bad numbers reported by GB and CA pre-market, there was no good reason for the pump…

My bet is that SPY will test the lows (and possibly go a bit lower) tomorrow.
S&P PMI numbers will be out tomorrow.

After this trade, I will take another vacation, and won’t be back for a long while.
I’m way overdue on Social Media detoxification (or something like that).
It was good and fun trading with you all, and I pray yall keep green.


Noticed energy sectors crossing 200ma to downside.
XLE - SPDR energy etf (29% from high)

XOP - SPDR O&G E&P (31% from high)

oil & gas is extremely precarious right now. tread very carefully. but this could also be buying at max fear. I still have conviction in my plays, please do research if you want to get in.

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Out of these with 14% gain…

Great week. Jesus is Great.

Will buy new undies today.
Thank You, my Lord!

Keeping an eye on

#hal - Halliburton
#slb - Schlumberger

These are big players in oil production.
Ive had them on my endgame watchlist and they are starting look interesting. It doesn’t look like supply challenges in crude will subside anytime soon. This will be a long term play so shares and some longer calls.

No position yet, looking to see if they continue to trend green on broader market red days.

Watching #spy 8/5 370’s Puts - if there is a rally I would like to buy them in the 5.00 - 6.50 range

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Keeping an eye on CCL - thinking about CSP 7/1’s
8.50’s - @ .47 Breakeven is 8.05 (assignment) potential 5% return
Concerns does SPY / Market drag it lower - setting new 52 week lows
Very High Risk - may not enter just watching

Watching ARKK this morning seems to be performing better than the market for some reason, a few times even going green.
Looking at Sep 16th, 43p


I just sold arkk puts here didn’t like the call flow on the tape and i was up a lot.
Will look to renter at some point, probably next week as a lot of volume was fds…
Sqqq calls(converted butterfly I’ve been building all month)
Uvxy calls(long 2 9/22 10c short one 9/22 16c)
Vix butterfly (jan 26/34/42.5)
Way otm october apple put spreads(probably a waste to otm, but account was low and I’m thinking mega caps get kneecapped next and small caps get some inflows after the dust settles)
All from past few weeks.
Looking at webr(big float but another high option volume day so I suspect something is coming by next month), cano(may take a while and not fully sold on it yet) and bbai (already got some shares- 660 employees just outside dc in a expensive md county, need to dig more but I’m already scaling in)
I’m trying to get better at swing trades while taking some time off scalping. If I start getting better results (like today finally), I’ll post some entries if I think the play is solid.

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Out here on ARKK -4.83%

FEZ puts
SLB calls
GOLD calls
And a “smartest / dumbest” person in the room lotto. UUP- Oct 21, 28p

Barrick Gold looking good

No SLB Positions
Avg into FEZ
UUP put position looking good with DXY down

Hello…tough times with ups and downs, and harder downs. Looking at NFLX puts for 10/21/2022 if we get any bounce this week. OI on 10/21 190s look good. Nflx earnings also on 10/18. Watching this

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Watching a CCL put entry, currently +3% this morning

Was able to get an entry on CCL while driving to work, the joy of trading in Mountain time.
This is High Risk / Reward as Beaker mentioned CCL has earnings this week. Hope some Valhalla peeps found an entry. I’m watching the broader market, looking to be out of this position today.
Sep 30, 9p @ .32

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Cut 75% of my CCL position here @ .41 +27%

Out of the rest of my CCL puts here @ .43 +34%

Watching Funko, FNKO. Currently down 59% from previous close after earnings and guidance were released. Halted soon after market open, this morning. Not expecting too much of a bounce back, but might open a small position for 11/18 10c.